Wednesday, December 12, 2007

How to get rid of Man Boobs

Men all over the world suffer from gynecomastia which is also known as "Man Boobs." Man Boobs have cause plenty of discomfort because their unappealing nature. They make men feel bad and bring down their self-confidence. Some even feel disgusted after looking in the mirror and seeing this unwanted fat on their chests. Not to mention the idea of taking your shirt of in public is almost an unbearable notion.

If you find yourself one of those many men who suffer from Man Boobs, do not fret. There is still hope and there are many things you can do shape the chest that you want. You can defeat Man Boobs and feel great about your body. You can increase your self-confidence to the point where yo ucan't wait to take your shirt off in front of the ladies. At this point, you should be excited about the prospect of defeating the Man Boobs that cause you more harm than necessary. And here's how you'll do it:

The first thing you need to do in your fight against Man Boobs is be determined to win. No matter what it takes or how long it takes, you will get rid of your Man Boobs. You don't have an option. It's not up for negotiation. Your Man Boobs are going down! Literally.

What you need to understand is that your Man Boobs are the result of your body fat! While this might seem obvious to some, others suffer from Man Boobs although they may not considered to be "fat" people. The fact it, gynecomastia is a disease that causes fat to build in breast tissue. For men with Man Boobs, they usually have to work harder to burn and keep off body fat. Fortunately for you, that's not a bad thing. There are many health benefits to keeping off body fat including avoiding many complications from Heart Disease. Who needs that? You should want to healthy and fit anyways.

Your primary source of change will be.... exercise. Yes folks, you must exercise to lose body fat. Your primary goal from this point on it so burn far more calories than you consume. This isn't very hard to do. For example, you can burn an extra 1500 calories a week by taking a 30 minute walk during your lunch breaks. That really adds up into big losses in body fat over time. You can also burn even more calories by jogging for 15 minutes in the morning before you head off to work.

If you're not much of a runner, you still need to walk. There's no good replacement for good cardio work. Your heart is a muscle and you should be training it on a weekly basis to keep it fit. You'll also want to watch the calories that you consume on a weekly basis. I say weekly because it's hard for people to avoid fatty foods on an every day basis (but if you can that would be great!). You should typically make sure that you don't consume more than 2,000 calories each day.

Once you begin to master your calorie intake, you will begin to see body fat reductions which will translate into losing your Man Boobs. There are also many exercises that you can do like push-ups and pull-ups (which you should be doing), but to most people's surprise, you burn more fat when you work on every part of your body. Spot training (targeting one area of your body) does not work!

This should be enough to get you started. Starting some time next year, a great product named Gyneco Max will be available to the general public which specifically helps men reduce their body fat more than any other supplement on the market.

Good luck and good eating!

Monday, November 5, 2007

A great body is the best revenge

Hey guy and gals. If you broke up with your ex-girl or
guy andyou're seeking revenge for the break-up, the
best way to do itis by making yourself look good. That
means, you don't need to go scratching up anyone's car,
sending threatening emails, or the worst of all cases,
stalking! Nope, if you want to really get back at them,
the best way to do it is to make them miss you!

Now that might sounds like an easy thing to do
depending on your situation. But no matter what, you
can always look better tomorrow than you do today.
Here's how you do it:

1. Stop dreaming about it and finally get that rock
hard body you've always wanted. This is going to take
some dedication so use the thought of your ex smiling
and being extra lovey with some jerk who doesn't even
look better than you. Got some extra fat? Do more
cardio 3-4 times a week and take Gyneco Max. Lose
the gut. The next time she sees you with your new body,
she'll really question if leaving you was the right

2. Make more money! Need I say more? Oh yea, how are
you supposed to do that? There are plenty of other
articles out there, but you need the desire to make
money to start with.

3. Stay single for a while. Most people think that hooking
up with an even hotter gf/bf well make your ex even more
jealous. That may be true in the short run, but it will
have a greater negative effect on you! Stay single and
work on yourself. It's all about you. Read more books,
make more money, get in shape. Use this time to make
yourself the best person that you could possibly be.

That's basically all you need folks. Success is the sweetest
revenge. I wish you the best.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Remembering the Dodger Dog

Hey there sports fans! I am a proud Los Angeles area native and I enjoy many things that this city has to offer. I love the weather, the woman, the cars, the outrageously expensive neighborhoods, and most importantly the LA teams. Who here doesn't love the Lakers or the Clippres? Who doesn't respect the UCLA vs. USC rivalry in just about everything? I mean, I even appreciate the great volleyball games at Venice beach (even though it is really hard to pay attention to the games with such lovely scenery crawling the beach).

I know what you're thinking. Well, what about baseball? You see, I'm not really in to baseball like a true baseball fan would be. I'll admit that I jump on the Angeles or Dodger bandwagon whenever they're playing well, but for the most part I barely even know who's on their teams at any given time. You know what, I don't feel bad because that goes for about 99% of other SoCalers as well. Even so, I am wise enough to appreciate going to a baseball game.

Until very recently, the last time I was at a baseball game it was to see the Dodgers back when Mr. Strawberry was playing. In fact, Darryl Strawberry was my favorite player in those days. But one of the main reasons I loved attending Dodger baseball games at Dodger stadium was because of the world famous Dodger Dogs!

Dodger Dogs are legendary in every city. They stood as a testament to why people can only watch super star athletes and never become one themselves. They made us feel good because it's if you're saying to yourself, "you know, I'll never be that athletic so it's my right to eat this unreasonably huge hot dog." And boy were they huge. I don't even know how much they cost back then but it didn't matter. Whatever adult I was with was going to have to fork up the money because I came for the Dodger Dog.

So you would imagine my surprise when I went to game about a month ago to discover what had been done to the legendary Dodger Dog. They shrunk it! Considerably. And I don't know what it cost in the Darryl Strawberry days, but that piece of hot dog today was not worth the $5 I paid for it. I caught myself actually asking the vendor, "Where's the beef?"

I know that it's great to be in shape and eat healthy. But when you go to a Dodger game, you have to expect to eat a Dodger Dog. Maybe the organization is encouraging healthy eating my trimming the size of the Dodger Dog. Or, maybe they're just being cheap. Whatever it is, I want my Dodger Dog to be a Great Dane, not a Chiwawa. Until then, I'm smuggling my own hot dogs into Dodger Stadium. I might end up with greasy pockets, but it's better than giving up $5 for a newer and slimmer model of a great American classic.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Fast Food - Fighting The Urge

We all battle with this one. You're driving around from running errands. You haven't eaten and you don't feel like going home to cook. You don't have $20 or more to spend on a nice dine-in meal. So, you head towards the nearest drive-thru window in your area.

Don't even act like you don't know where the fast food restaurants are. Not only do you know where they are, but you know their menus, their prices, their specials, and sometimes you even know the friendly cashier that takes your order. You also know that almost everything on their menu is absolutely terrible for you in terms of fat, carbs, calories!!! Nonetheless, you tell yourself that it's ok and that you don't do this often. You won't do it next time. Right.

If this is indeed a similar if not exact match of your experiences with fast food restaurants, then don't feel too bad because you're not alone. Millions of Americans eat fast food each day. Why do you think they're making so much money and popping up on as many corners as they possibly can? Because you and millions of other people are buying their products.

What's worse is that adults now force their children to participate in this same indulgence of eating very unhealthy food. It may not seem like it, but you are forcing your children to eat it. If you don't buy it, then how else would they get it? And although a large portion of the blame for these indulgences can be placed on great marketing campaigns and cheap prices, most of the blame ultimately rests with you, the consumer.

Because you know that fast foods aren't the healthiest choice for you, you must also know that you should probably avoid consuming them as much as possible. This, like most things in life, is easier said than done. But with the proper motivation and a little mental discipline, you can build a strong resistance to those 2 for $0.99 and "win a free prize when you buy this combo" establishments.

Here's a few simple ways you can do it:

1. Drink water and plenty of it before meals. Carry it with you in your cars, purses, backpack, whatever. Just keep drinking water through out the day. It helps in so many reasons, but for our purposes, it will help keep you full.

2. Start counting your calories. If you know that you don't allow yourself to consume more than 2,000 calories a day, then you'll think twice or thrice before you pull into that drive-thru.

3. Set a goal. Lose the flab abs? Man Boobs? Back fat? Thunder Thighs? Come on, you know that some area(s) of your body can use improvement by cutting down that fat. Why not make it a goal and give yourself something to strive for?

4. Don't let your kids eat anything that you wouldn't you consider to be unhealthy. By setting an example for your children, you can also force yourself to practice healthy eating habits. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetable. Allow them to make suggestions. Make finding healthy foods a fun family activity.

5. Drive! When you see a drive-thru opportunity, drive! And don't you dare stop! Go as far away from evil as you possibly can. You'll be better because of it.

These are just a few simple ways that you can begin to fight the urge of eating fast food. Despite the popular commercial advertisements, think: Just DON'T Do It!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Long Hair and Football?

Now, I'm all about freedom of speech and freedom of expression. But of all the things to worry about in the world, I find myself intrigued with NFL players who have extremely long hair. I don't remember seeing guys with dreds playing in the NFL when I was growing up. It seems to be a new trend these days and I just don't get it.

Perhaps some of these players believe that they're Sampson and that they're strength comes from their hair. The pure fact that they're in the NFL gives this prospect some validity. However, I just think it's crazy watching them run around with their hair flying all over the place. It's amazing that there haven't been any severe cases of guys being dragged down and tossed around by their hair. If there are, I haven't seen any. Have you?

How to lose body fat

I am constantly asked by my friends how to get a great body. It seems as though no matter how many weights they lift or sit-ups they do, they never get to see the results that they want. My perspective is that it is impossible to achieve a well-toned body without losing body fat first. Otherwise, you will have alot of muscle buried under pounds of body fat. This is why men have Man Boobs and Beer Bellies. Body Fat. So what does the average Joe have to do in order to lose large amounts of body fat?

The answer is simple but the process is not. The average Joe is simply going to have to change his diet. This is true for the average Jane as well! No real amount of weight loss or body fat burning can take place unless people learn to consume less calories. If one pound is equal to 3,500 calories, then you would need to consume less than that, and burn as many additional calories as possible.

You will have to start counting calories. You will have to start working out at least 3 times a week and you will have to stop eating junk food!

The average Joe/Jane will ask, well what about shortcuts? Aren't there supplements out there that can help? The truth is, there are. Some people will have you believe that supplements don't work so that they can sell some fitness video to you. But sometimes they're right. Some supplements just flat out suck.

I am in the process of putting together a list of supplements that are useful when it comes to cutting body fat but no matter what I find, you will always need to change your eating habits and work out more often. It is suggested that people trying to lose weight should consume about 1500 calories a day. So start counting those calories and watch the fat melt off of your body. Literally.

I was told to check out Gyneco Max for fat loss. I heard a few good things so it might be worth looking up: